This following script allows to easily set time of your Linux box:

(wget -S --spider --server-response 2> .response
grep Date .response | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/^.*Date: //g' | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs date -s

This is not the recommended way, this is an alternative one, using HTTP response headers to get date.
It is better to get your time from NTP servers, see

Once you have installed the ntp package, there is a ntp-client (script) you can start each time you boot
this is equivalent to run:

ntpdate -u

if you want to find the closest mirror:

netselect -s 3

and use the first ip in the result to replace in the configuration of your ntp-client .
If you use Gentoo distro, you will find the setting in /etc/conf.d/ntp-client.
and you can add the ntp-client to the boot sequence, just doing:

rc-update add ntp-client default

Having time service working under Windows 2K is very easy: (see also here)

net time /
net start w32time

To make the time service start at startup:

Start/Parameters/Control Panel then Administrative Tools/Services
Look for Windows Clock service, and change manual start to automatic start.

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